Wednesday, April 22, 2009

NedMalloc & Hoard



NedMalloc is an upgrade version of DLMalloc.
It has thread pools and memory caches in each thread.
It patches DLMalloc's weakness point in multi threads environment.

Hoard is one of the fastest memory allocators.
I heard it is used in lots of softwares.

NedMalloc is free. Its license is following a BSD and Boost license.
Hoard is not free if you use it for commercial software.

However, a decision depends on your choice. :)


  1. To be fair, Hoard is free when used in commercial projects as long as you distribute your source code. I suppose you could also make it an optional plugin dll type thing and only have to open-source the plugin rather than your whole program though that would take some extra work.

  2. //Billy Blaze.
    Oh! Is it? That sounds good.
    I've known its license type is GPL3. It forces a commercial software to reveal its source codes.

    Anyhow, thanks for good information and your comment.
    I wish your next visit my blog. :)
