Sunday, March 15, 2009

YAMAHA Music School

I signed up the Yamaha music school yesterday.
So that, I'll start to learn a saxophone!!!

Actually, I went to there last month.
But, there was no place to sign up.
I think a few teachers available here but lots of students are here, too.
In case of Korea, there are lots of classes, and we can join it anytime.
So I've waited for a space, finally I got it.
A beginning day is 3rd April. It is also too late than korean style. :)
But I can wait. hahaha.
The class is once a week, cost is SGD$ 98 a month. Not frequently, not cheap.
But there is no option which I can choose. 

I also bought a mouth patch, a humidy cleaner, a pouch for a mouth peace. 
Although it costs a lot, I feel so good~


  1. 드뎌 시작하는구나 ㅊㅋㅊㅋ
    죽도록 달려서 폐활량을 좋을테니 기본은 갖춘셈인가?

  2. 조성경// 아직 삑삑 소리가 반이에효 ㅋ

  3. 여자꼬시는데 아주 굿스킬이지
    잘하고 있어!!! 내가 컴멘트만 달려고 하면 에러네
    나 차단한거니..그런거니..
