Sunday, October 24, 2010

The final saxophone lesson in Yamaha music school

I just finished my final saxophone lesson in Yamaha music school.

For this, I asked my teacher to play one of my favorite songs so, we played

'I don't wanna miss a thing ' by Aerosmith.

It sounds great even we play it by an alto sax and a piano.

For last 1 year and 6 months, I've learnt about saxophone with the teacher - Amir.

I appreciated what he's given me and taught me.

I'll keep learning and playing a sax. It's not an end.

Actually, I want to buy a new saxophone soon. lol.

But, it's too expensive.... T_T still considering.....


  1. 12월 공연을 준비했었는데 아쉽구만~~
    보러가려했는데 ㅋㄷ

  2. 내가 12월에 한국에 있다면, 재학이와 함께 합주를 해볼까? ㅋㅋ
