Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hock Lam Beef

얼마전 트위터에다가 글 썼던 그곳.
I mentioned it at Twitter a couple of days ago.

싱가폴에서 엄청 유명하다는 소고기 누들 집.
I heard that it's a very famous beef noodle restaurant.

무려 월요일 부터 수요일까지는 영업을 하지 않는 배가 부를대로 부른 그 집.
They don't open between Monday and Wednesday. Huh? Too much proud!!!

영훈이나 오준이는 겁나게 싫어할 듯. 샹차이가 들어있거덩. ㅋ

맛은 그저 그랬음. 기대 많이 했었는데... 아~~ 설렁탕이 먹고 싶다~


  1. Hi there..
    I stumble into your blog when I was googling on
    Im learning Korean therefore it was an interesting and educational read as you post in English n Korean.
    The Beef noodle you post above is so different from 설렁탕..which I also like..
    I was studying in Seoul for 9 months and I did not find any restaurant selling local food.
    I hope that you will be able to find an authentic restaurant here that sells 설렁탕..^^
    Good luck.

  2. Hi, Casie.
    Welcome to my blog and thanks for visiting.
    There is a couple of additional types in the beef noodle restaurant.
    One of them, its soup is very similar with 설렁탕.
    That's why I mentioned 설렁탕. I really miss it~
    You can enjoy 설렁탕 in Seoul!!!
    By the way, which place are you staying in Seoul?
    There are a lot of restaurant distributed many places.

    You can refer to the following sites.
    Can you read Korean? The sites show their map only in Korean.

    The first one -
    The second one -

    They are very famous restaurant brands of 설렁탕.
    I wish you can find it and enjoy the great food. LoL.

  3. Hi Terry,
    오늘 심심하니까 다시 들어보는데 대답이 있어서 놀았습니다.
    Thanks for your reply.
    I can read Korean to an extent, very slowly and at times confused because there are some 'short forms' of some words that were not taught in school! ^^
    Now you know my lousy Korean standard..

    Actually, i got back to SG in March.

    서울에 신촌에서 살았거든 신선설농탕 신촌점에 가보적이 있습니다.


  4. Yo, Casie.
    You've already been the 신선설농탕 in Sinchon.
    That's good. That's one of the most famous brand.
    You got a good stuff.

    BTW, are you a Singaporean?
    Cuz, you said, 'I got back to SG'.
    If you are, please let me know when you are here.
    I'm gonna introduce you some good Korean restaurant.

    Terry Kim
