아마 내 나이또래 되는 사람들이라면, 중학교 때 한번 쯤 배웠을 만한 lay 랑 lie.
오랫만에 학원에서 다시 배워봤는데, 역시 겁나게 어렵다. -_-;
나 2년동안 싱가폴에 있는 동안 lay it down, don't lie 말고는 거의 써본 적이 없었는데.. ㅎ
암튼 배운 거 정리 한번 해본다.
Base / Past / Past Participle / Present Participle
lie / lay / lain / lying
lay / laid / laid / laying
lie / lied / lied / lying
1. lie and its forms when referring back to the subject of a sentence.
- Mike lies down to a nap every afternoon.
- Yesterday, Mike lay in bed all day.
- Mike has lain in the tent for weeks.
- Mike is lying over there.
2. lay and its forms when it 'takes' a direct object within the sentence. In other words, you lay / laid / laid / laying SOMETHING down (some object).
- The workers are ready to lay the cement.
- Mike laid the papers on the table.
- Mike has laid the report on my desk.
- Laying his keys down, Mike looked tired.
자, 여기까지는 익숙하고, 쉽게 기억할 수 있겠다. 사용하기도 쉽고.
하지만 영어의 언제나 문제는 전치사가 붙을 때와 숙어인 거다.
다음을 맞춰보자.
1. lay aside
2. lie down
3. lay away
4. lay down
5. lay into
6. lay off
7. lay out
8. lay over
9. lay about
10. lay it on
11. lay low
12. lie down on the job
13. lie with
14. lie in state
15. take lying down
a) to give up, yield; to assert firmly or state authoritatively
b) to dismiss (an employee) due to slow business; to cease or quit something; to stop annoying or teasing (slang)
c) to be postponed until action may be taken; to make a stop in the middle of a trip.
d) to be exhibited publicly with honors before burial.
e) to reserve for later use, save; to hold merchandise pending final payment; to bury.
f) Informal. to do less than one could or should do; shirk one's obligations.
g) to abandon, reject.
h) a lazy person who does nothing.
i) to hear or yield without protest, contradiction, or resistance.
j) to assume a horizontal or prostrate position, as for the purpose of resting.
k) to attack physically or verbally assail (informal).
l) to spread a group of items out in a row, arrange or prepare; to plan, plot, or design; to knock someone unconscious (slang)
m) to exaggerate in one's speech or actions, esp. to engage in exaggerated flattery or reproof.
n) to make one's self unavailable, to hide from other people or trouble.
o) to be the duty or function of, 'The decision lies with the C.E.O.'.
1-g, 2-j, 3-e, 4-a, 5-k, 6-b, 7-l, 8-c, 9-h, 10-m, 11-n, 12-f, 13-o, 14-d, 15-i
아이고 어려워. 하지만 선생님도 말씀하셨듯이, 실생활에 쓰는 건 몇 개 없다구 :)