Sunday, July 25, 2010

Night scenes of Singapore

Singapore's night scenes (view from Sands hotel Sky Park at Marina Bay)

by Lumix DMC-FX36

똑딱이 치곤 잘 나온 거 아님?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Dustin & Donna's wedding

Congratulation guys~

David, Terry, Donna, Dustin, Sam and Jaeho (at China town, smith road)

Picture from : Donna's facebook

Thursday, July 8, 2010

2010 Summer Korea Travel

7th Aug 2010 (Actual arrival at Korea is 6:00 AM 8th Aug)
~ 17th Aug 2010.

오늘 결제 완료.
The payment completed.

좀 더 일찍 가고 싶었는데, 8월 첫주 비행기는 위의 기간 가격의 1.5배에서 2배. ㄷㄷ
I wanted to go a bit earlier (the first week in Aug), but the price is 1.5 ~ 2 times than the second week. Oops.

그때 뵈요~
Anyway, see you soon~

근데 아무 생각없이 클릭하다보니 또 여행자 보험을 포함시켰다.

집에 가는 건데 이걸 굳이 클릭하다니 -_-;;

Monday, July 5, 2010

World Cup 2010 in Channel no.5 Singapore

From Jon's information.

As for MediaCorp, it said it is finalising arrangements with the two telcos to air four key World Cup matches on free-to-air Channel 5 and HD5. 
The four matches that will be telecast live with same day encores are: opening match, two semi-finals and finals. Such an arrangement would be subject to FIFA's approval.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Cooking for lunch box

이번달 재정상태에 약간의 문제가 있어서, 도시락을 만들었다.
I have a simple financial problem these days so that I cooked for lunch boxes.

그런데 재료값이 사먹는 값이랑 거의 맞먹어서 -_-;;
But, the price of ingredients costs as much as a normal meal.... Not cheaper..

재료가 뭐냐 하면,
Anyway, the ingredients are

피망 2개 (빨간거, 노란거), 참치 2캔, 버섯, 오뎅 많이, 절인 콩, 파인애플 청크, 계란 4개, 들기름, 고추장, 그리고 밥.
2 big paprikas, 2 cans of tuna, mushroom, a lot of fishball, bean, a can of pineapple chunk, 4 eggs, perilla oil, Korean chilli source and rice.

기본 재료들 볶는 중.
Frying basic ingredients.

밥, 고추장, 계란 투하 후 볶은 거.
Mixed with rice, Korean chilli source and eggs.

5인분 쯤 나왔다. ㅋㅋㅋ 이번주 점심은 얘만 먹게 생겼어. 후훗.
It's a bit more than five meals. LoL.
All my lunch in this week is well done.

V for Vendetta

와 이거 엄청 재밌네. 왜 이런 명작을 이제서야 본거지. -_-;;
It's really good. Why I haven't watched this so far... that's too late!! 

하지만 초반 영어가 너무 어려워서 이야기 설정은 나중에 영화 설명 보고 다시 파악했음. 켁.
By the way, the vocabulary in the beginning part was too difficult. 
I could manage to understand it when I read a couple of reviews on internet.

난 이거 이야기 전개가 무지하게 빨라서 지루함 없이 봤는데,
For me, the speed of plot was fast enough so that I couldn't feel any boring.

인터넷 많은 이들은 지루했다고들 난리더라. 흠냘.
A lot of people, however, says it's too boring. Well...
Anyway, that didn't happen to me.

나탈리 포트만의 삭발 연기가 매우 인상적이었음.
It was impressive that Natalie's naked head. That was very nice.

나중에 영어가 더 늘면 한번 더 봐야지. 그땐 더 재밌게 볼 수 있을 듯.
I'm thinking that I'll watch it again when my English is getting better.
I may get more fun at that time.

World Cup Fever

Korea vs Uruguay. (at Robertson Walk)

German vs Argentina (at Chijmes)

I wondered there are lots of German people in Singapore.
But I saw them at Chijmes!! The fever! It was great!

And now only 4 teams surviving.
Semi-final coming soon!!!