Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Fray - You found me

//Verse 1//
I found God
On the corner of First and Amistad
Where the west
Was all but won
All alone
Smoking his last cigarette
I said, “Where you been?”
He said, “Ask anything.”

//Verse 2//
Where were you
When everything was falling apart?
All my days
Were spent by the telephone
That never rang
And all I needed was a call
It never came
To the corner of First and Amistad

//Chorus 1//
Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
Why’d you have to wait?
Where were you, where were you?
Just a little late
You found me, You found me

//Verse 3//
In the end
Everyone ends up alone
Losing her
The only one who’s ever known
Who I am
Who I’m not, and who I want to be
No way to know
How long she will be next to me

//Chorus 2//
Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
Why’d you have to wait?
Where were you, where were you?
Just a little late
You found me, You found me

Early morning
The city breaks
I’ve been calling
For years and years and years and years
And you never left me no messages
You never sent me no letters
You got some kind of nerve
Taking all I want

//Chorus 3 and outro//
Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Where were you, where were you?

Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
Why’d you have to wait?
Where were you, where were you?
Just a little late
You found me, You found me

Why’d you have to wait
To find me, to find me?


Good to listen, easy to sing.
A good song.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Like or As?

아무 생각없이 써왔지만 문득 헷갈리길래 검색해봤다.

Like or As?
Like is a preposition. It should be followed by an object to make a prepositional phrase.

As is a conjunction. It should be followed by a clause containing a subject and a verb.

Incorrect: He runs like a gazelle does.
(Like is followed by a clause.)

Correct: He runs like a gazelle.

Correct: He runs as a gazelle does.

This is sometimes confusing because as occasionally is used with elliptical clauses which may resemble prepositional phrases.

Like is never used with clauses in standard English.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ready for a battle

집 근처의 어느 일본고기집에서 SGD29++ 에 병맥주 무한 이벤트를 한다고 한다.
There is a nice event in a Japaneses restaurant near home. Unlimited bottles of beer with $SGD29++.

(대략 현재환율로 2만 5천원 정도. 세금까지 치면 3만원 정도 될 듯.)
As following current currency, it's approximately 25,000 Won. Maybe 30,000 Won with tax.)

싱갈 보통 술집에서 병맥주가 SGD9 에 육박하니, 29 달러면 매우 좋은 이벤트!
The average price of common bars in Singapore is over SGD 9. So SGD29 is a very good event.

아니 왜 이런 한국식 이벤트를!!! 싱갈 애들은 술 많이 안먹나???
Don't they have any ideas about this?? Don't Singaporeans drink a lot?

그래서, 이 고기집에 세상의 무서움을 가르쳐 주기 위해서 회사 친구들을 모아보았으나
I'd like to show them heavy drunkers of the world, so that I've gathered colleagues,

참여율이 매우 저조. 많이 먹지 못할 듯 싶군. 확실하게 각인 시켜주려고 했건만.
participants are, however, just a few. We can't show our abilities. I hope to let them scary but I can't.

여튼 오늘 밤에 출동!
Anyway, the battle is tonight.

아 이럴 때 형님들이 그립군.
I'm missing the brothers in NHN.

그 형님들과 함께라면 저 집에 있는 모든 술을 다 먹고 올텐데 말이지.
I'm sure we can free all beers in the restaurant with them.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

WoW Beginner~

저도 와우 합니다. :) 지금 인스톨 중.
I'm going to play WOW!!! Now installing.

저를 아는 사람은 알고 계시지만 MMORPG 는 거의 플레이 하지 않았지요.
As guys who know me, I've hardly played MMORPG.

무려 9년째 MMORPG 를 개발하고 있지만...
Although I'm a MMORPG developer for 9 years...

주로 하는 게임은 한 게임은 금방 끝나지만 실력을 쌓아야 잘할 수 있는 게임.
I usually play games which have a short game time for one match but need a lot of trainings.

예를 들면, 버파, 스파, 위닝 등.
E.g. Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter, Winning Eleven.

하지만 이미 몇 년 전부터 와우는 게임개발자의 레퍼런스가 되어버렸지요.
Wow already has been a reference game for game developers from a few years ago.

이걸 모르면 개발자들끼리도 대화가 안됨.
It's difficult to have a conversation with developers if someone doesn't know about it.

기획자들도 와우와 비교를 많이 하다보니.
Designers also play WOW a lot.

암튼 이제 시작합니다. 너무 너무 늦었지만 ㅎ
Anyway, I'm starting now although it's too much late. LOL

싱가폴이라서 미쿡 서버로 접속합니다. 미쿡 서버에서 저 버스태워주실 분 대 환영!
I'm connecting to US server. Welcome guys who help me to level up quickly!!!

Application performance

이런 블로그가 있는 줄은 몰랐다.
I haven't known this blog exists.

왜냐하면 업뎃이 너무 느리기 때문에. -0-;
Because the update speed is too much slow.

오늘 어쩌다 마주친 블로그지만
It just happened to visit this blog today,

강렬하게 잘 정리된 포스팅을 보고 감동받고 이렇게 링크를 건다.
I think it's a really well designed and written posting. I've been touched.

Windows Server Performance Team Blog.

Designing Applications for High Performance - Part 1

Designing Applications for High Performance - Part II

대강 살펴봤는데, 상당히 잘 정리되어 있고
I just looked into it briefly, it's well done.

MS 에서 운영하는 블로그이니 신뢰성 보장인거다.
Also this blog can be guaranteed by MS.

나중에 시간이 난다면 번역을 해볼까 하는데... 과연....
I have a thought if I have a spare time, I'd like to translate it... But, I'm not sure.. :)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A poor cook

요리 한 건 이거보다 훨씬 많은데, 사진은 몇 개 없다. 아쉽군.
I cooked quite more than these, but no more pictures unfortunately.

요리한 걸 순서대로 나열하면,
Let me talk about my cooking,

파스타 샐러드 (2종류) - Pasta salad (2 types)
떡볶이 - DDuk Bok ki
미소국 (된장찌개) - Miso soup
밥 - Rice
등심 스테이크 (4개) - Beef stake
한우 꽃등심 - Korean high grade beef
소시지 샐러드 - Sausage salad
연어 샐러드 - Salmon salad
연어 롤 (쌈) - Salmon Roll
팔도 비빔면 - Paldo Bibim myun
짜파게티 - ZZapaghetti


난 저 위의 요리를 하면서 먹은 거라곤 떡볶이 몇 개... 그 외엔 아무것도 못 먹었다.
But I couldn't eat any thing but a bit of dduk bok ki. All cooking, cooking, cooking....

혼을 불살랐어. 재만 남았지.
Burned my spirit down. Just ashes remained.

포스팅 하기 귀찮아서 요것만 올림. ㅋ
I just uploaded these pictures only because of troublesome. :)

다른 사진은 페이스북에 있음. 나중에 여기에도 올리던가 하겠음.
The other pictures are in my facebok. Maybe I'll upload them here sometime.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Andrea Bocelli & Sarah Brightman - Canto Della Terra

요새 안드레아 보첼리 형님의 노래에 맛이 가있는데,
I have been charmed by Andrea Bocelli's songs these day,

이 노래 대박임.
What a great song!!!

둘이 같이 부른 대표곡이 Time to say good bye 이지만,
Althogh their famous song is 'Time to say good bye',

난 이 노래가 좀 더 끌린다.
this song is more attractive to me.

Time to say good bye 같은 경우는 잔잔하고 부드러운 느낌이지만,
'Time to say good bye' is gentle and soft,

이 노래는 폭발적인 목소리가 들린다. 오오오옷.
this song has trimendous voices. Incredible!!!

새로 생긴 소원이 있다면,
A new wish is

안드레아 형님 은퇴하시기 전에 라이브 공연을 가보고 싶다.
I want to go to Andrea's concert before he retires.

Time to say good bye.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Burning cooking

툐요일 집들이 때,
At the housewarming party last Saturday,

나의 요리 혼을 불태웠다. 하얗게 불태웠어...
I burned my spirit of cooking down. Until no more firewood.

오후 6시부터 새벽 2시까지, 8시간 동안 거의 쉬지 않고 달렸음.
I ran from 6pm till 2am (for 8 hours) without any break.


집들이 사진이랑 글은 다음 포스팅에...
The next posting will have some pictures and story.